Located along Dam Road, in Washington, Utah, is the famous, “License Plate Pole”.
A tourist attraction for those who visit the City of St. George and surrounding areas, the License Plate Pole is stands 81 feet high (90 feet if you include the part that it’s anchored into the ground). The pole features license plates from all 50 states.
It’s the creation of Kimball Gardner, resident of Washington for 25 years. Located on his property, it’s now a tourist destination for those seeking interesting roadside attractions. Gardner’s primary hobby is collecting old farming implements to decorate his home and surrounding property.
Located at the base of License Plate Pole is a collection bin for more license plates. Currently, the bin contains thousands of plates (and probably has a combined value of thousands of dollars if you consider the popularity of used licensed plates).
Presently, it’s not known when Gardner plans to extend the pole with more plates.
You can visit the License Plate Pole 7 days a week during daylight hours. There is no parking aside from the side of the road.
GPS Coordinates: 37.108322, -113.498853
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