One would never expect to find cool shade trees under a hot Yuma afternoon in the downtown section of the city, but it exists at quaint little cafe on Madison Street.
The Garden Cafe & Spice Co. is located on a piece of property that’s been in the family for four generations. Open only October through May, the cafe is built around a terraced garden lush with trees, vines and flowers. Chirping free-roaming birds, as well as those from the cafes aviary, become the seductive soundtrack for charming breakfasts, lunches and Sunday brunch, featuring signature dishes such as Southwest quiche, strawberry-turkey salad, house-made muffins, the city’s best tortilla soup and Yuma Spice iced tea, a specialty blend customers may buy to brew at home.
One wouldn’t think The Garden Cafe & Spice Co. is the kind of place for a biker, but then again Sash and I are not ordinary bikers. I found the outside dining rather zenful, the kind of place I needed to clear the filth from my mind so that I could think more freely.
I could bring my laptop to a place like this and just write for days.
The Tri-Tip Steak Salad was downright mean. Slices of beef resting on a bed of Romaine Lettuce, avocado, cheddar cheese, tomato, red onion, and their own salsa-ranch dressing, could just as well have been served as a sandwich with gobs of sauce running down my arms. But I don’t think the proprietor would appreciate me licking up my elbows.
After sucking down a few glasses of their Yuma Spice Iced Tea, which tasted like sweet tea with added cinnamon and clove, I couldn’t help thinking about getting back to my writings. This is the kind of place where great novels are born.
The Garden Cafe & Spice Co.
250 S Madison Avenue
Yuma, Arizona 85364
Phone (928) 783-1491
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